Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011

How to Sell Green Products?

Talking to numerous Advertising and purchasers professionals, it seems individuals are saying something, however performing some thing different when it comes to purchasing eco-friendly products and services. Numerous consumers think buying eco-friendly products is a good factor however the space between curiosity as well as intention to really making the purchase is still extremely wide.Within an April '09 study conducted through Deloitte for the Food Manufacturers Organization, 95% of consumers interviewed stated they'd purchase green items however just 22% of shoppers had actually obtained a eco-friendly product throughout their most recent shopping. This kind of finding is evident in a number of other consumer research about “green purchasing behavior”.The Deloitte study reveled that Consumers don't invariably comprehend the social and environmental benefits of products and therefore are often confused by the communications in the media. Most are unaware of what makes a item sustainable versus merely “good for you.” A large number of shoppers remain unclear about what is eco-friendly, plus some are still unsure of the whole eco-friendly movement.” Training customers exactly how your products, services as well as company practices are more environmentally as well as socially environmentally friendly is the key to bridging the space.Here are a few questions entrepreneurs need to address:

Will the product or even procedures reduce energy and water usage?

Are we made initiatives to reduced product packaging or raw materials usage?

Tend to be the products natural or locally grown?

Will we purchase from fair industry resources?

Are our items biodegradable or recyclable?

Are our items non toxic?

Does the item contain reduced unpredictability organic substances or even recyclable materials or even content material?

The actual Deloitte research additionally found that customers who have been most likely to purchase eco-friendly products tended to invest much more, purchase more regularly, showed much less cost opposition as well as exhibited higher devotion once a purchase choice is made.Indeed, these are the greatest kinds of customers for any business.The green market is actually open up for firms that can be past slogans that their products really provide the advantages and have the attributes individuals are asking for.


Dr. Matthias Michael, green energy marketing

Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011

Wellen- und Strömungsenergie – wichtige Green Energy erwacht bald aus dem Dornröschenschlaf

Wenn wir von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen sprechen, dann ist er immer grün. Dabei ist die Natur doch so bunt. Die Sonne ist gelb, das Wasser blau, so zeigt es jede Kinderzeichnung. In der Farbsymbolik steht die Farbe Grün für die Natur, für Unsterblichkeit, für Glück und Hoffnung. Und die Hoffnung stirbt ja bekanntlich zuletzt.

Weit weniger prosaisch ist damit verglichen die Art, wie der Strommarkt funktioniert. Egal, wie er erzeugt wurde, Strom wird an Börsen gehandelt. Auch Ökostrom. So kommen die Preise zustande, so wird gewährleistet, dass genug Elektrizität zur Verfügung steht. Dorthin gehen Überkapazitäten und werden Kilowatt eingekauft, wenn der heimische Markt sie nicht produzieren kann. Es ist ein internationales Geschäft. Im Einzelnen kann niemand sicher sein, ob der Strom, den er verbraucht wirklich aus Solarenergie oder im Kernkraftwerk entstanden ist. Wir bestimmen durch unser Kundenverhalten lediglich den Anteil an sauberer Energie, die wir verbrauchen. Unsere Kaufentscheidung wirkt also eher indirekt: Viele Abnehmer grüner Energie, viel grüne Energie.

Wellen- und Strömungsenergie

Franz Alt, der aus dem TV bekannte Moderator, spricht auf der Seite sonnenseite.com von Wellenenergie als der sechsten Säule der erneuerbaren Energiequellen. Damit sind nicht die Lichtwellen gemeint, von der Sonne zu uns kommt, es geht um die Wellenbewegungen der Meere. Wer sich die Kraft eines Tsunamis vor Augen hält, kann sich leicht vorstellen, welche Energie hier am Werke ist. Diese Energie kann der Mensch sich nutzbar machen. Es ist die Rotation der Erde in Kombination mit der Anziehungskraft von Mond und Sonne, die das Wasser in Bewegung versetzen. Eine Energiequelle mit Unendlichkeitsfaktor: Wenn die Erde sich nicht mehr dreht, wird der Mensch nach heutigem Kenntnisstand auf ihr kaum weiterleben können, sinkt unser Energieverbrauch auf null. Anhand von mit Messbojen gesammelten Werten lässt sich errechnen, wie viel Energie in einer Welle steckt. Es sind bis zu 100 kW pro Meter Welle! So hoch geht es in der Nordsee oder den Binnenmeeren wie Mittelmeer und Ostsee nicht her, doch auch hier lassen sich beträchtliche Werte in der messbaren Wellenenergie erzielen.

Selbst bei einer Flaute strömen die Meere durch die Anziehungskraft von Mond und Sonne. Auch diese Energiequelle ist nutzbar. Im Wesentlichen kennen wir diese Energiegewinnungsmethode aus Gezeitenkraftwerken. Hier ist es der Tidenhub der den Strom zu erzeugt. Nun sollen die Meeresströmungen genutzt werden. Das würde die Flusseinfahrten oder Meeresbuchten entlasten. Anders, als Sonnen- oder Windenergie sind Wellenbewegung und Strömung ständig vorhanden. So kommt es zu keinen Leistungsausfällen. In Küstennähe sind auch die Transportkosten gering. Annähernd 40% der Weltbevölkerung lebt weniger als 100km von einer Küste entfernt.

Die Mitwirkenden

Für große Stromerzeuger, wie für Umweltorganisationen gibt es ganz sicher unterschiedliche Aspekte des Marketings. Während die Einen auf den erzielbaren Gewinn in Euro und Cent schauen, haben die Anderen die Lebensqualität aller Lebewesen im Auge. Zwar ist es einerseits ein wichtiger Marketingaspekt, die Investitionsbereitschaft der Geldgeber zu erzeugen, auf der anderen Seite kann dies aber am Besten dann geschehen, wenn auch die Verbrauchernachfrage dazu passt. Dass das nicht auf Kosten der Natur geschehen darf, ist seit den Ereignissen dieses Jahres so klar wie nie.

Auf der einen Seite ist es die Politik, die Druck auf die Erzeuger ausübt, bislang vernachlässigte Energiegewinnungsmethoden näher ins Auge zu fassen. Auf der anderen Seite sind es die Bürger, die kritischer hinterfragen, welche Folgen die Stromerzeugung haben kann. Von allen Seiten werden die Risiken kritischer bewertet und ernster genommen. Vieles ist in Bewegung geraten.

Vorliegende Rahmenbedingungen entwickeln sich positiv

Die Bundesregierung hat, durch die Novelle des Gesetzes für den Vorrang Erneuerbarer Energien, kurz Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) und der Anhebung der Vergütungssätze, für verbesserte Rahmenbedingungen gesorgt. Auch langfristig betrachtet bleibt das glaubhaft. Frau Merkel hat Wort gehalten, als sie nach Fukushima versprach, die Abkehr von der Atomkraft einzuleiten. Nicht Wenige behaupteten damals, dass nach Ablauf des Moratoriums, die sieben sofort stillgelegten Atomkraftwerke wieder ans Netz gingen. Doch sie gingen nicht und viele folgten.

Erleben wir die von Kritikern durch das Abschalten befürchtete Energieverknappung? Bis heute wohl nicht. Doch der Winter steht erst vor der Tür. Angesichts der jüngsten Nachrichten kommt man jedoch ins Grübeln: Wir verschenken Strom. Im Winter kaufen wir ihn teuer zurück. In der Hauptsache Ökostrom, weil er dann anfällt, wenn wir ihn am wenigsten brauchen. Im Sommer. Das sollte eigentlich kein Problem darstellen. Ist es aber, da nicht ausreichend Speicher zur Verfügung stehen. In einem hochtechnologisierten Land wie Deutschland ist das ein schlechter Witz. Unbegreifbar wird es, wenn man sich vor Augen hält, dass sogar noch bis zu 500 Euro pro Megawattstunde gezahlt werden, wenn der Strom abgenommen wird. Mit dem Geld sollten besser die benötigten Speicher gebaut werden. Zumal dieser Strom in einer Höhe von 8,5 Milliarden Euro im Jahr subventioniert wird. Volkswirtschaftlich ist das nicht zu verantworten.

Gute Aussichten

Vielleicht auf unerfreuliche Weise, aber grüne Energie ist aktuell stark in den Fokus gerückt. In Zukunft Ereignisse, wie das Verschenken von Strom zu vermeiden steht ganz oben auf der Tagesordnung. Ein Weg in die richtige Richtung angesichts der vielen Wind- und Solarenergieanlagen, die bereits in Betrieb sind. Die Wellen- und Stömungsenergie kann auf solche Speicher nahezu verzichten, da in den meisten Meeren Flauten ausgesprochen selten sind, Strömung immer vorhanden. Die Technologie ist da. Die Infrastruktur zur Entwicklung zur Marktreife und dem Bau ebenso. Der weltweite Energiebedarf wird in den kommenden Jahren nahezu explodieren, meinen Kenner. Besonders aus China wird weiterhin steigende Nachfrage erwartet. Hier locken große Zahlen.


Sowohl lang- als auch mittelfristig betrachtet ist eine Marktverschiebung von konventionellen Energiequellen hin zu erneuerbaren Energien zu erwarten. Die Technologien sind da. Am Beispiel von Sonnen- und Windenergie, die auch mehr als 20 Jahre brauchten, um sich am Markt durchzusetzen, ist ablesbar, dass das auch mit anderen Methoden möglich ist. Wenn nur allen Beteiligten ihr Nutzen deutlich ist und absehbar, dass kein Schaden entsteht. Hier ist die Kunst gefragt, mithilfe des Marketings einen entwicklungsfähigen Markt auszubauen.


Dr. Matthias Michael, green energy marketing

Montag, 3. Oktober 2011

The surprises behind China’s green energy industry

Not curable lung illness isn’t a situation many people keep company with the idea of environmental durability. Nevertheless, in China’s Guizhou land, the two have become inexorably linked, following the current proper diagnosis of 195 plastic manufacturing plant workers along with silicosis, a potentially fatal form of lung illness. The actual manufacturing plant, located in Shibing region, was started in 1999 by Hengsheng Metallurgy, broadly thought to be Asia’s biggest silicon producer. It has a lot more than 1,000 employees as well as Thirty four smelting heaters, with an annual production capacity associated with A hundred and twenty 1000 tons of commercial plastic. Along with its various programs in the field of semiconductors, silicon is the raw materials in the manufacturing of polycrystalline plastic, a key component in most contemporary

solar panels. Silicosis is a type of pneumoconiosis, an incurable lung disease caused by breathing in this mineral (also called quarta movement or even silicon dioxide) dust while drilling, reducing, crushing, grinding or even blasting silicon ore. Symptoms include dry coughing, fatigue, a fever, lack of urge for food, the like, upper body pains, and, eventually, lead to dying. Simply because persistent silicosis is slow to develop, signs and symptoms may not seem till several years after exposure.
Silicon City
Due to the success of the Hengsheng manufacturing plant, Shibing region offers used an unofficial name, “Silicon Town.” On the local government website, an argument claims that “Since Hengsheng released its silicon production company within our region within 1999, it has established a foundation with regard to nearby industrial improvement.” Within the last 11 many years, the taxes revenue from the company has arrived at Zero.Three million yuan (US$44 million). According to some report conducted by The Southern Metropolitan Daily, the annual tax compensated through Hengsheng to the municipality makes up about almost half of the county’s complete income. “In ’09, the total financial revenue of the region was One hundred seventy. Twenty-eight million yuan (US$25 million), with Hengsheng’s tax adding a total of Seventy million yuan (US$10 zillion) to that particular account.” From the background of near globally interest in the introduction of alternative energy, along with the rising worldwide interest in solar power technologies, China’s plastic production business has increased. The far east has become one of the globe leaders in metallurgical plastic production, with an yearly capability of just one.2 million plenty. In recent years, the actual annual production of plastic has ranged in between Eight hundred,Thousand to 1 million tons. Silicon manufacturers can be found predominately in north western and northwestern areas, including Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Jilin, Liaoning and Internal Mongolia. Presently close to 75 in order to 80 % of all plastic manufactured in China is exported abroad. A employee in Hengsheng may create an average 220 kilos of commercial plastic per day. Nevertheless, fears now are plentiful that employees’ function rate might be interrupted, because silicosis begins to descend within the company. In 04 on your own, a total of Thirty eight employees were diagnosed with silicosis. That determine will probably rise; presently there are an estimated 100 much more workers waiting to be examined. The latency time period for silicosis can be as lengthy because Two decades, meaning that whilst relatively couple of employees presently exhibit outward symptoms, the future may see a good crisis. Within the years rigtht after the factory’s opening in 2000, mployees were likely to work without the aid of any protective equipment. The organization only began to deliver facemasks to employees within 04 following being fined several times more than safety and health violations by the nearby provincial ecological agency. By 2007, the factory offers allotted each employee four gauze face masks monthly. Criticisms from the company’s lax rules have prolonged beyond the factory floor, nevertheless, with the organization frequently named upon local as well as nationwide pollution blacklists. In ’06 the organization was forced to set up six teams of dirt collectors for its Thirty four heaters. Based on the factory’s employees, the actual collectors are hardly ever functional, and therefore are mere “window outfitting.”
Photo voltaic Boom
Due to developing interest in solar panels about the international market, there’s been the remarkable increase in the manufacturing output of both plastic as well as polycrystalline plastic. According to some report by askci.org, a Chinese market research group, by Dec 08, there have been a minimum of 235 major plastic producers in The far east, producing The far east the actual world’s largest exporter of commercial plastic. According to iSuppli Corporation, last year The far east created more than Three.6GW associated with silicon solar (PV cells), 90 % of which was sold on the international market, producing The far east additionally the actual world’s largest exporter associated with photo voltaic batteries. iSuppli predicts that Chinese PV product sales in 2010 will achieve $309 million, a Ninety five.3 % year-on-year improve. Among the actual world’s top 10 manufacturers associated with photo voltaic batteries, five are located in China, specifically, Yingli Green energy (the first energy company to recruit the actual FIFA Globe Cup), Suntech Power, Trina Photo voltaic, JA Solar as well as Canada Photo voltaic. China federal government continues to be quick to aid this nascent industry, giving two major stimulation intends to help activate the domestic marketplace. “Solar Rooftops” and the “Golden Sun” projects, each released in 03 ’09, try to encourage household traders as well as producers of PV to look towards the household marketplace for development. Inside Beijing, dozens of villages now utilize the actual solar panels to provide electrical power for street lights. With substantial financial financial assistance from the central federal government, private businesses and native government authorities are keen to purchase projects that utilize solar power. Hu Runqing from the Power Study Start Nationwide Improvement as well as Reform Fee told NewsChina the Secretary of state for Finance offers allotted One.27 billion yuan (US $190 million) for photo voltaic project marketing and a complete of One hundred and eleven tasks had made an appearance by Sept 2009. For example, building projects under the Golden Sun strategy may obtain grants of up to 50-70 % of total investment expenses.
Pace, Skepticism and Worries
Towards the end associated with 2009, there have been a total associated with 52 polycrystalline manufacturing tasks inside The far east, representing an investment well over One hundred thirty million yuan (US$19 million) with a total annual capacity well over 230,000 plenty. Nevertheless, the household photo voltaic business market need remains, only Thirty,Thousand plenty. Although there’s obviously cash to be produced in new-energy technology, there’s disbelief amongst a few specialists concerning the impact of its development on the environment. Numerous state that China’s household Photo voltaic market is growing faster than the federal government initially prepared. In 2007, Photo voltaic energy wrecked 100MW as well as based on the original suggestion, Photo voltaic energy in 2010 ought to reach 300MW, growing to at least one.8GW through 2020. However, because of technical improvements, China’s complete This year Photo voltaic capability experienced already surpassed its This year target, a full year ahead of routine. Disputes over whether China’s manufacturing capability is actually overheating have ongoing because September ’09 whenever a report authored by the Monetary and Financial Affairs Panel (FEAC) from the Nationwide People’s Our elected representatives (NPC) mentioned that Nineteen industries, such as the solar power business, had been affected by over-production. According towards the FEAC statement, blowing wind as well as solar energy projects across the nation have encountered issues such as the unnecessary replication of tasks as a result of huge hurry to invest in the sector. Nonetheless, not everybody concurs which overproduction in the sector is happening. During an job interview with The Financial Observer, Peng Xiaofeng, chairman of LDK Photo voltaic, a well-known household solar power maker, kept the main government’s caution regarding overcapacity within the polysilicon industry targeted firms with out-of-date production amenities which create excessive air pollution. The actual solar cell business, even though tagged “green” through the worldwide community, utilizes a refining process with regard to commercial silicon which emits a number of toxic chemicals and may trigger high levels of air pollution otherwise managed correctly. Environmentally dangerous ingredients which can be launched within polycrystalline plastic Photo voltaic module production include fluorine, chlorine, nitrate, isopropanol, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, respirable silica contaminants as well as chemical solvents. Silica contaminants could be launched both in the actual exploration as well as refining stage. If they’re sufficiently small to become inhaled they might result in the lung disease silicosis. Toxic fluorine and swimming pool water may be released in to the atmosphere along with dust particles, and are also drinking water disolveable. In March 2008, the Wa Post disclosed exactly how 1 top polycrystalline silicon producer in The far east, Luoyang Zhonggui High-Technology, was throwing the polysilicon byproduct tetrachloride – a very poisonous material — in to nearby towns. Furthermore, there’s developing consensus amongst household academics the manufacture of pv cells is prohibitively costly when it comes to power usage. Within Two thousand, the power pay-back time (the time necessary to produce as much energy because had been consumed throughout manufacturing) of PV systems was believed at between Eight to Eleven years, during ’06 this shortened for an believed One.Five to three.5 years for crystalline silicon PV methods, in line with EU requirements.
Sluggish the Speed
Using the world hurrying to accept so-called eco-friendly technologies, The far east offers moved rapidly in order to safe its share of the profitable market. However, in doing this, the country has left by itself subjected to the litany associated with hidden dangers as well as unsure side-effects, including possible health hazards in order to workers and also the extreme use of standard power in the production procedure. Within European countries, there are many laws each from European union and national level that control the development as well as procedure associated with polycrystalline plastic manufacturing. Leading polysilicon producers in Germany, such as Wacker, established methods to ensure byproducts through polysilicon manufacturing tend to be reused. As Christof Bachmair from Wacker’s Press Relations and Information Department explained to NewsChina, “in the actual polysilicon depositing procedure, up to 75 percent of the plastic steel eventually ends up because the by-product tetrachlorosilane, as well as transforming tetrachlorosilane into additional products or recycling and re-incorporating this into the production process is essential each through a fiscal and ecological safety perspective.” In The far east, nevertheless, as a result of lack of federal government regulation, polysilicon industrial facilities are not required to operate recycling where possible amenities. As of 04, in order to contain the development of certain high energy consumption industries, china government instigated a series of macro-level adjustment measures. By 2009, along with 17 percent value-added taxes, the actual exporting contract price with regard to industrial silicon continues to be elevated to 15 %. For many, however, such steps stay inadequate. Bertrand Piccard is really a Switzerland round-the-world balloonist and now engaged in building a solar-powered airplane. Like a solar power enthusiast, the actual balloonist lately attended a green energy discussion board in Bonn, Germany, where he informed the crowd which, because there is absolutely no guiding system in a go up, you need to “change altitude to alter path, since from various altitudes, the wind gusts blow in different instructions.” He further highlighted his concept by requesting individuals “Do you need to proceed fast in the wrong path, or even would you like to proceed sluggish within the right direction?” Given the current condition associated with solar panel rise in The far east, possibly it’s period the Chinese federal government gave some considered to this.

Dr. Matthias Michael, green energy marketing expert