Samstag, 25. Juni 2011

Energie Industrie – Chancen durch Netzwerk Marketing

On habe ich einen neuen Artikel veröffentlicht. Hier eine Kostprobe:


Energy Industry – Network Marketing Opportunities


Since deregulation of the power industry is opening up which sell to wholesome competitors, multilevel marketing is enabling customers the opportunity to profit from a utility everyone needs; electrical power. Regardless of whether through lowering their bills or generating revenue as a utility associate, the cost of residing just got better for 1000′s.

My father worked for that electric company after i was very youthful and that he trained their son’s the fundamentals of electrical function. All of us never climbed the big power systems or done the supply lines but all of us usually taken care of power.

The Last Thing You’d Expect…

While conserving energy by buying products that are more efficient and observing conservation practices is becoming common place, discovering the right path to the receiving end of the earnings generated by that usage is new to many individuals.

Seasoned home based business experts are always looking for automatic but could they switch on earnings with the flip of a change?

That’s evidently all it takes and thanks to the web, individuals can begin saving cash on the electric bills when they live in an area that’s currently deregulated having a click of the mouse.

But It Will get Even Better!

Is it astonishing that individuals would turn out to be associates in business while they can’t enjoy the service they provide? While they live in an additional condition or in an area exactly where deregulation hasn’t arrived at most are not really bothered that they cannot turn out to be their own customers. The reason why?

Savvy experts understand why this opportunity is actually preferred:

1. a company that merely shifts earnings through an active earnings flow is easy

Two. a consumer bottom which currently makes use of the product (electrical power) is ideal

Three. a chance to profit from a significant home or even company cost

Why This particular Functions So Well?

Most home business owners have learned or even ought to learn which bothering your family and friends together with your brand new MLM product or even company is just annoying. Nevertheless, everybody already makes use of electricity and they aren’t going to quit.

In addition everyone loves to save cash no matter how rich they are. One of the principles with regard to creating wealth is to constantly boost the inflow of cash while monitoring the actual output.

Individuals will strategy this idea along with disbelief but at the conclusion during the day those who view the potential will conclude, “It’s better to profit from the power business rather than simply support this.”


Dr. Matthias Michaelgreen energy marketing, New York

Tagged as: dr. matthias michaelgeothermalgreen energyhannoverivy league

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

5 Tipps zur Energieeinsparung zu Hause

Für Green Energy Fans ist es wichtig, mit einfachen Mitteln Energie zu sparen. Denn die beste Energie ist eingesparte Energie. Hier die 5 Tips für gelebte green energy :

Tipp 1: Beleuchtung:
Eine sehr effiziente Möglichkeit, mit der man Energie einsparen kann, ist der Einsatz von Leuchtdioden. Diese sind nämlich sehr stromsparend und langlebig. Allerdings eignen Sie sich aufgrund ihrer geringen Lichtqualität nicht zum Beleuchten von Räumen. Gute Einsatzbereiche sind hingegen Taschen- oder Schreibtischlampen, Ganglichter oder eine Weihnachtsbeleuchtung. Ferner bietet sich auch die Möglichkeit, alte Glühlampen, welche unter Umständen noch den Keller oder die Garage beleuchten, durch Energiesparlampen auszutauschen, da diese einen wesentlich geringeren Stromverbrauch aufweisen.

Tipp 2: Warmwassernutzung:
Einen großen Anteil der Warmwassernutzung macht die Körperpflege aus. Ein Umstieg von der Badewanne in die Dusche kann dabei zu einer großen Energieersparnis führen. Im Gegensatz zu einem Wannenbad, welches durchschnittlich 160 Liter erfordert, verbraucht man bei der Dusche lediglich 40 bis 75 Liter warmes Wasser, also etwa ein Drittel. Ferner kann auch der Duschkopf gegen einen Wassersparenden ersetzt werden. Hierbei wird zwar die Durchflussmenge reduziert, allerdings vermittelt die hohe Austrittsgeschwindigkeit einen satteren Strahl.

Tipp 3: Beheizung von Räumen:
Der sinnvolle Einsatz von Heizkörpern und das richtige Lüften könne die Heizkosten erheblich senken. Dass nicht in den Räumen geheizt werden sollte, in denen man sich nur selten aufhält, liegt auf der Hand. Allerdings sollte man nicht vergessen, die Türen in diesen Räumen so oft es geht geschlossen zu halten, da sonst die kalte Luft in die wärmeren Zimmer eindringen kann. Ferner ist das stoßhafte Lüften kostensparender als ein dauerhaftes Kippen der Fenster.

Tipp 4: Mobilität:
Besonders auf kurze Strecken lohnt es sich das Fahrrad statt dem Auto als Fortbewegungsmittel zu nutzen. Ferner sind Gemeinschaftsfahrten nicht nur günstiger, sondern auch ökologischer. Wer das Auto dennoch bevorzugt, kann allerdings mit einem leichten Erhöhen des Luftdrucks in den Reifen auf Dauer Benzin einsparen.

Tipp 5: Kühlen:
Wie viel Energie der Kühlschrank zum Kühlen benötigt, hängt unter anderem von seiner Umgebung ab. Somit sollte man der Kühlschrank optimal weit entfernt vom Herd, der Heizung oder vom Sonnenlicht stehen.
Ihr Dr. Matthias Michael, green energy marketing, New York

Samstag, 11. Juni 2011

Green Energy House Wind Generators on the Move

Conventional causes of power can be replaced with a new source of renewable, green energy, just like a house wind turbine. this technique might only give a little bit of your common energy usage if you live inside a home region.

House wind generators are still a reasonably brand new option for people who want to use sources of power which are much better for that planet. Many residents of sunny locations go for solar power panels, however these turbines are a technologies that's additionally getting popular. The marketplace supplies a number of various home wind generator choices for residential areas. It may cost between $400 and $25,000 to install, depending on the quantity of energy you'll need.

You are able to bring down your co2 impact by using this technique, lower your energy expenses, as well as eliminate them totally. Continue reading with regard to techniques about reaching your energy requirements by using it, along with the benefits and drawbacks.

Generally, house wind generators are used to cut down on your own traditional power usage, which often comes from energy vegetation. It is possible for anyone to get this done, though your own exact location will determine how efficient this will be. You shouldn't usually put it to use if you reside within an region with a dense population. Blowing wind patterns are usually interrupted by city developments and enormous structures, effectively lowering the energy that would be generated inside a natural environment.

In regions of high improvement, it is suggested that house wind generators may be used to decrease a very little part of your co2 impact and energy bill, very little more is actually feasible in such an environment. If you're a resident of the kind of area, it's better to purchase one of these methods that you can put on surface of your homes roof rather. Your time costs can be decreased close to 10% if you use all of them in this type of landscape.

Living within an area that's considerably slimmer or even more remote, you can select from the aforementioned home wind generator for the roof, or perhaps a more complicated, larger elevated house wind turbine.

An elevated system is usually perched on top of a tower that can compare well in order to A hundred and twenty feet tall. This elevation locations the generator above any items that will disrupt the natural circulation of blowing wind, consequently powering them much more highly and regularly. The actual Press lately released an article stated that these wind generators within rural areas of Michigan can produce as much as Five hundred kilowatt hrs month-to-month. This amount still probably will not compensate for the typical energy usage of a typical home, but it's still helpful if you are trying to make use of much less power that's based on fossil fuel, and therefore pay on your co2 footprint.

If you want to completely replace your time needs along with green energy, you'll likely need to construct multiple, raised home wind turbines to catch as much blowing wind energy as possible in your town. If you want to store the souped up that you don't immediately use, it's also wise to have a system to keep the energy in batteries.

It isn't impossible to completely compensate for your energy needs while using technologies provided by a house wind turbine, however there are still many specialized improvements that need to be made before this can be a simpler, practical choice.

Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011

Dr. Matthias Michael - green energy Marketing: Wie vermarktet man eine Erdölfirma in Zeiten aufwa...

Dr. Matthias Michael - green energy Marketing: Wie vermarktet man eine Erdölfirma in Zeiten aufwa...: "Von meinem English Blog auf: Every so often, an essential oil organization experiences an environmental catast..."

Wie vermarktet man eine Erdölfirma in Zeiten aufwachender Green Energy?

Von meinem English Blog auf:

Every so often, an essential oil organization experiences an environmental catastrophe associated with disastrous proportions. As evidenced by the BP Gulf oil spill, the actual Exxon Valdez essential oil drip and numerous other eco-disasters, these occurrences are a tragic work risk from the energy business. In theory, they ought to not be a surprise — any longer compared to an earthquake within California would be a shocker. Of course, a big sufficient tremor in Los Angeles will generate nationwide information coverage. The actual question from a brand advertising standpoint is simple: can there be something oil businesses can perform, because of the possibility of a good oil drip?
To be able to answer this, it is useful to support and check out the customers’ view of the. With regards to the consumer, essential oil companies possess a distinctive edge on, say, the fragrance organization. This is the oil businesses offer a necessity. We all need essential oil; fragrance is really a luxury.

Ihr Dr. Matthias Michael, Marketing für green energy businesses.